Welcome to this CAUDIT Procurement Webinar
# Data Management delivered by Veeam
An webinar providing an overview of Veeam, their capability and their offer to CAUDIT Members.
[**To register for this event, please click here.**](https://aarnet.zoom.us/webinar/register/4216462975303/WN_vvmtxmfPR8OkqfKx97tQPQ)
This webinar is open to all CAUDIT Members.
## Presented by [**Veeam**](https://veeam.com/)
**John McCluksey**, Enterprise Sales Director, Veeam
**Nathan Steiner**, Senior Engineering Director, Veeam
**Tristan Cox**, Account Manager, Victoria, Veeam
*Hosted by:*
**Steve Johnston**, Director, Strategic Procurement, CAUDIT
- Introduction to Veeam — who they are and who uses them today
- A walkthrough of the platform — a quick capability check
- Ordering Process — next steps on how to engage
- Q & A