CAUDIT Communities of Practice are open to all IT, eResearch and library staff at CAUDIT member organisations who want to ask questions, share information and experiences with their peers on a particular aspect of information or communications technology.
Communities of practice are self-governing. Their activities range from ad-hoc information sharing and networking, to coordinated efforts to solve common problems.
They are vibrant dynamic forums that encourage sector wide knowledge sharing.
Collaborative innovation and problem-solving are hallmarks of CAUDIT’s Communities of Practice (CoPs). Because CoP agendas centre on Members' priorities, they enable sector-wide exploration of, and response to, unexpected change and long-term challenges. CoP Members benefit from interactive forums and enduring professional networks, both of which are avenues for formal and informal professional development.
CAUDIT Communities of Practice currently have over 3000 members.
The CAUDIT Communities of Practice are open to all IT, library and eResearch practitioners working at CAUDIT Member organisations. In certain cases staff from sector organisations are able to join a community by invitation.
Many roles within the higher education landscape involve multiple disciplines. IT, library and eResearch practitioners are welcome to join multiple Communities of Practice that relate to their roles.
Each Community of Practice has it’s own meeting cadence ranging from monthly to quarterly meetings. Being a national organisation the CAUDIT CoP meetings are generally held online in the middle of the day to support attendance from the full range of members across Australia, New Zealand and the pacific.
Check out the '2025 Community Meetings at a Glance' event card at the top of this page!
The CAUDIT Communities use multiple platforms centrally maintained by CAUDIT. Typically meetings are held through MS Teams.
To find out when your Community is meeting next visit the Event icon on the individual Community page or visit the Events section of the CAUDIT website. You can also find out more about accessing the meeting invites from the 'Accessing Community Spaces' page
CAUDIT Communities of Practice are intended as platforms that encourage members to share stories and experiences, templates, and reference material. The following policy formalises governance and baseline expectations previously ‘assumed’, around how the shared information may be used by other members of the Communities whether shared verbally during Community specific sessions/meetings, or as physical documents. The policy uses the frameworks of Creative Commons License, Traffic Light Protocol, and of course Chatham House Rules.
No-one is ever forced to share information during meetings or through the chats however there is strong value in contributing or starting conversations. What you may think is BAU could be something of high interest to another community member. The more you share the more your network of connections grows.
View the policy here
If you are unsure whether you have joined a CAUDIT community yet you can easily check to see if the Community is visible in your MS Teams by switching from your institution tenant over to the ‘CAUDIT’ tenant and clicking on the Teams list. You can read more about this in Accessing the Community spaces . If the Community doesn't show in your Teams list please subscribe to the Community using this link.
All CoP meetings are scheduled in through the MS Teams space. There is a dedicated channel to host the meeting invites however if you joined a CoP after the meeting invites were created you will need to go into the channel and access the .ics file. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the Access Community Spaces page under 'Joining a CoP Meeting'.
CAUDIT acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands where we live, learn and work. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of all First Nations people.